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Living Golden: The Rosdeli, Live EP


A soothing tone fills the air and tumbles through the room. With a gleaming sound, in such prosperous ways even, music is bestowed upon this vast world. In a pandemic-filled world, the New York City vocalist Rosdeli has seen it all in her defiance and struggles to reach the top. An elegant vocalist at that, Rosdeli croons with vigor and states her dominance in the kindest of demeanors. This trait hasn’t been lost despite the months of performance-less days passing in a whim. Rosdeli’s persistence in life reveals her performance career, teaching, and desire to spread music across the globe.

The end of August stapled six months of a coronavirus world and indicated to humanity that life may never see normalcy again. Yet Rosdeli had other plans.

With a three-track EP nursing in her back pocket, she released it into the ether on a late Saturday night so late that in reality, it was Sunday. Titled “Rosdeli, Live,” this twenty-minute escapade of soulful melodies and lyrical innuendos fills up the listener’s heart on a cold breezy day.

The lead track “Float” soars into this atmospheric ecstasy of delight. Featuring Billy Duffy on trombone, Rosdeli tackles virtuosic riffs in height with this uptempo track. Singing for a love and demanding that one day, she will trust, Rosdeli howls under the moonlight in such an eloquent manner. The half-tempo breakdown around 2:40 indicates the young artist’s knack for creating rhythms of beauty and melodies of pure soul.

“Rosdeli, Live” makes up for the lack of live and in-person concerts. In a world without concerts, Rosdeli has given her listeners a chance to reflect and live in the moment once again. With her velvety croons and fervent scats, the NYC-based artist channels performing to the top. She represents performing artists at their finest.


The laced-in-gold track “Golden” flickers with halcyon-like vocals and consists of an infectious rhythm section groove that leaves the listener bobbing back and forth. She brings the night to life with a message of finding and clarity. “Living my life like its golden” repeats throughout the track and enters into a world of definitive.

Rosdeli makes a great statement.

Live life to its fullest and like it’s golden. No one knows when it will end nor what will take place. After all, the world is under the submission of a deadly virus and concerts are at a halt for the first time in centuries.

Rosdeli’s deliciously bubble-like vocal pattern lights up the speakers in a glorious manner. One that urges the listener to look. To look into one’s self and even in the mirror.

The final track of the three-tune EP, “Person in the Mirror” featuring Teej, captures the audience with its self-reflective message. The grooviness of the melody invokes the listener to further get lost in the music. Rosdeli may have soared the highest throughout the final track as her scatting reaches its highest height. Mixed in with the rhythm section, Rosdeli’s vocals create a cacophonic masterpiece. One that revels in live music and the past.

Rosdeli’s future is bright and her vocal technique is only the start of it.

“Rosdeli, Live” happens to be a way out, to return to normal, and feel alive again. Taking place in a world pre-pandemic, it feels as if a world like this never existed.

The EP screams for the return of normalcy, a self-reflective state, and a change. One that’s been needed for years. Rosdeli is giving the listener a chance to rethink the life around them. She is giving the world a chance to change.

Let’s hope that chance is acted upon.

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